Saint George, the Great
In 275, Saint George was born of Christian parents in Lydda of Cappadocia in Palestine. He rose to the highest ranks of the Roman Legion. But then Emperor
Diocletian, the great persecutor of Christians, demanded his soldiers offer pagan sacrifices as proof of their loyalty. As a Christian, George refused to obey this order, relinquished his commission, and openly confessed his faith. His steadfastness in enduring terrible tortures inspired courage in other Christians to stand by their faith and made many converts. He was beheaded on April 23, 303 A.D. in Nicomedia in Asia Minor.
بما أنّك للمأسورين محرر ومعتق، وللفقراء والمساكين عاضد
وناصر، وللمرضى طبيب وشاف، وعن الملوك مكافح ومحارب، أيّها العظيم في الشهداء
جاورجيوس اللابس الظفر، تشفّع إلى المسيح الإله في خلاص نفوسنا. Feast day: April 23. |